Software/Books for Sale (updated 4th Jul 1999)
For ease of use I've used TechwriterPro to construct this web page, so you may need to widen your browser window so that the tables don't wrap too much.
I've tried to price these at reasonable prices although, unfortunately, the postage is likely to be more than the book (mainly because of the weight etc), thus reasonably thin books I've priced at only 1.00ukp. If you live close to Portsmouth, Hampshire you are more than welcome to collect and obviously save the postage etc (and pay for the petrol instead!)
Where I've labelled something as 'Free' it's yours for just the price of postage.
With respect to the games or other software, please tell me what machine you have and I'll try it out for you first, as some may not be Risc PC/StrongArm compatible, especially in the case of older games. All software is in it's original box with manuals etc.
Everything is £2.00 P&P unless otherwise stated. Please email me if you are interested, or would like more info.
Items in RED are provisionally sold (ie. someone has contacted me with regards buying them) so please contact me again in a few days to see if they have actually been sold. As soon as something is physically posted to someone I will delete the entry from this list, so please check back often.
BOOKS | |||
ANSI C release 3 manual | Acorn | 10.00 | |
Arthur Programmers Reference Manuals (2 vols) | Acorn | Free | |
The BBC DFS User Guide | Acorn | 1.00 | |
Kermit Manual | Acornsoft | 1.00 | |
MIDI User Guide | Acorn | 1.00 | |
Pascal from BASIC | PJ Brown | Acornsoft | 2.00 |
ISO-Pascal | Pete Cockerell | Acornsoft | 2.50 |
Micro PROLOG manual for BBC Micro (no ROM) | Acornsoft | 1.00 | |
The BBC Micro Speech System user guide | Acorn | Free | |
User Port/MIDI Expansion Card User Guide (A3000) | Acorn | 1.00 | |
The View wordprocessor Manual | Acornsoft | 1.00 | |
View Professional Manual | Acorn | 1.00 | |
BASIC ROM User Guide | Mark Plumbley | Adder | 5.00 |
Start Problem-Solving with Prolog | Tom Conlon | Addison-Wesley | 2.00 |
Understanding Inter-Word: Beginners Guide | Rob Pickering | Arlon House Publishing | 2.00 |
DTP at a Glance | Rob Pickering | Bookmark Publishing | 1.00 |
The Advanced BASIC ROM User Guide | Colin Pharo | Cambridge Microcomputer Centre | 5.00 |
Practical Hardware projects for the BBC Micro | Joe Telford | Century Communications | 2.50 |
Discovering BBC Micro Machine Code | A.P.Stephenson | Collins | 1.00 |
Wordwise Plus Reference Manual | John Coll & Andrew Myers | Computer Concepts | 1.00 |
Viewsheet & Viewstore | Graham Bell | Dabs Press | 2.00 |
Archimedes First Steps | Anne Rooney | Dabs Press | 5.00 |
Computer Science (GCSE coursebook) | C.S.French | DP Publications | 3.00 |
Learning to use the BBC Micro computer | P.N.Dane | Gower Publishing | 1.00 |
Express Assembler User Guide | Espress software | 1.00 | |
Z-80 Reference Guide (quite heavy) | Alan Tully | Melbourne House | 5.00 |
Guide to the BBC ROM | Don Thomasson | Melbourne House | 3.00 |
6502 Assembly Language Programming | Lance A.Leventhal | Osborne/McGraw-Hill | 5.00 |
Networking with the BBC Microcomputer | Prentice Hall | 1.00 | |
Multi-Forth 83 User manual | Skywave Software | 2.00 | |
What's MIDI | Julian Colbeck | Studiomaster | 1.00 |
Making Music on the BBC computer | Ian Waugh | Sunshine | 2.00 |
Advanced Sideways RAM User Guide for the BBC | Bruce Smith | Victory Publishing | 2.00 |
Arctist (RISC OS painting package) | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Apocalypse (3D shoot-em-up) | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Drop Ship (lander type gane) | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
E-Type | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
E-Type Extra 100 miles | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
E-Type Designer | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Holed Out Designer | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Man at Arms | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
The Olympics | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Powerband | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Pysanki | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
Q-Master (BBC B Pool simulator) | Fourth Dimension | Free | |
Saloon Cars Deluxe | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
U.I.M. | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
White Magic | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
X-Fire | Fourth Dimension | 2.00 | |
The PC Emulator (original 4 discs+manual) | Acorn | 10.00 | |
1st Word Plus (2nd Edition) | Acorn | 5.00 | |
Acorn ISO Pascal (release 2) | Acorn | 10.00 | |
Drogna (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
Gateway to Karos (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
JCB Digger (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
Kingdom of Hamil (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
Magic Mushrooms (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
Missile Base (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
Software Developers Toolkit (issue 2) | Acornsoft | 5.00 | |
Starship Command (BBC B tape) | Acornsoft | Free | |
Alien Invasion | Alien Images | 2.00 | |
Herewith the Clues (Dennis Wheatley adventure) | AS | 2.00 | |
Kaptain Konflikt | Calderglen Computers | 2.00 | |
Memory Magic | CIS | 2.00 | |
Tank Attack (BBC tape/board game) | CDS (quite heavy) | Free | |
Alerion | Dabs Press | 2.00 | |
Instigator (Archimedes System Manger) | Dabs Press | 2.00 | |
Deputy Communications Software | Dataphone | 1.00 | |
WorldScape | Eclipse | 2.00 | |
The Clip Art Collection Vol.2 | The Graphics Factory | 10.00 | |
ArcComm 2 | Longman Logotron | 5.00 | |
W.A.R (BBC B) | Martech | Free | |
Battletank | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Bug Hunter | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Casino | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Ibix the Viking | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Maddingly Hall | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Minotaur | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Orion | Minerva | 2.00 | |
PrimeArt (Art Package) | Minerva | 5.00 | |
Redshift | Minerva | 2.00 | |
EasiWord | Minerva | 5.00 | |
Talisman | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Thundermonk | Minerva | 2.00 | |
Lemmings | Psygnosis | 5.00 | |
Corruption (adventure game, Archimedes) | Rainbird/Magnetic Scrolls | 1.00 | |
Fish (adventure game) | Rainbird (Magnetic Scrolls) | 1.00 | |
Desk Edit (Text editor for Archimedes) | Risc Developments | 2.00 | |
Badger Trails | Sherston Software | 10.00 | |
ArcPinball | Shibumi Software | 2.00 | |
Superior Golf (A3000/Archimedes) | Superior Software | 2.00 | |
Superior Soccer (for Acorn Electron) | Superior Software | Free | |
Avon (Shakespearean adventure for BBC Micro) | Topologica | 1.00 | |
DataWord (educational) | Triple R Education | 2.00 | |
ATPL Sideways Rom board for BBC Micro | ATPL | 5.00 |